Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Working with Undefined (Null) Values in an IBM Cognos TM1Cube

In an IBM Cognos TM1 server, by default numeric values are stored as 0.  When the cell content is retrieved either in TI or through rules, a value of zero is returned.  This means TM1 does NOT differentiate between missing data (null value) and zero.  In other words, you will not be able to differentiate the cells for which there does not exist data, with the ones where data is 0. 
To work with situations where we need to differentiate between missing data and zero, we can use UNDEFVALS in the rule of an IBM Cognos TM1 cube.  If UNDEFVALS is used then the default value is changed from 0 to a special undefined value.

Let’s create a simple 3 dimensional cube available from Planing Sample database, namely:
  1. plan_version
  2. plan_business_unit
  3. plan_department
We will be working with integer data alone.  The cube looks like this, without any rules;

Let us go ahead and add this as the 1st line of the rules file and save the rules.  Notice the view

All the Zeroes have vanished and instead you will see blanks.  At the intersection of UK and Direct, key a value of 0, turn on zero suppression and recalculate the view.  It will appear like this:


It means that, zero suppression will actually turn off the special undefined value, instead of zeroes.  It is a side effect of using UNDEFVALS in the rule definition.  This unintended consequence is visible in Turbo Integrator (TI) as well.


If you were to save this view and use it as source in TI (see screen for the view spec), then perform an AsciiOutput of the data records, you will get zeroes as part of your data.

How to reset data in a cube with UNDEFVALS?

In a cube without UNDEFVALS, if there is a value in an intersection of a cube and you hit delete, then the intersection value is reverted to zero.  Let us consider ways to accomplish this in a cube with UNDEFVALS.
Manual Option
This is applicable only if you have limited cells to work with.  As mentioned in this IBM KB, by inputting a value of 4.94066e-324 in the intersections.  To illustrate this, look at the screenshot below.  The LHS of the picture shows where a value of zero was present.  And on the RHS by inputting the aforementioned value and hitting recalc, the  zeroes goes away.

Turbo Integrator (TI) Option
  • CubeClearData – This will reset all the non-rule driven intersections to the undefined/null value
  • Sometimes however you may want to reset only part of cube and not the entire cube.  Our instinct is to use ViewZeroOut.  However ViewZeroOut on an UNDEFVALS cube will only ZERO out the intersections, it will NOT reset the intersections to undefined/null value
  • In such situations, you can use CellPutN a value of 4.94066e-324 in those intersections and reset the data to undefined/null value
  • Alternately you can use new function in 10.2 UndefinedCellValue for this case (valid in both rules and TI).  This function returns either 0 (on a cube without Undefvals declaration) or special undefined value (on a cube with Undefvals declaration) – see below snippet
vx_UndefValue = UndefinedCellValue (vs_CubeName);
CellPutN (vx_UndefValue, vs_CubeName, ‘FY 2003 Budget’, ‘UK’, ‘Finance’);

10.2 Reference Guide documentation incorrectly states that cube name is an optional parameter; APAR PI50000 is raised to correct it.  If the cube name is not supplied then the function returns 0.

How to check for an undefined/null value in cube?

Foremost of all, to know which cubes have UNDEFVALS declaration, you can loop through the }Cubes dimension and pass it to UndefinedCellValue function; an AsciiOutput of this call will list such cubes.  This is possible only in 10.2.

Well, let’s suppose you do have a cube with UNDEFVALS.  When you want to work with such cubes, you’d like to know whether or not, given intersection has undefined/null value in it.  To do that you can utilize the ISUNDEFINEDCELLVALUE function (valid in both rules and TI)

IsUndefinedCellValue function compares the passed value to the cube’s default view and returns 1 if true; otherwise it returns 0.  Now let’s go ahead and add below rule line
[‘Germany’] = N:
    IF ( IsUndefinedCellValue ( [‘UK’] ) = 1    
        , UndefinedCellValue    
        , 88   
I am trying assign a value of 88 for all cells of Germany, where corresponding cells of UK have a valid value (including 0).  With some sample values assigned, a view of the Cognos TM1 cube with UNDEFVALS will look like below (please note Marketing and Engineering are NOT the children of Sales, they are children of Total Org):

Let’s now add Skipcheck and Feeders to the rules file to see its impact with zero suppression on the cube view:
[‘Germany’] = N:
    IF ( IsUndefinedCellValue ( [‘UK’] ) = 1    
        , UndefinedCellValue    
        , 88    
[‘UK’] => [‘Germany’];

Notice that a value of zero (UK, IT) is able to FEED the (Germany, IT) intersection.  This is one of the impact of using UNDEFVALS in the cube.

If you want to find out the actual value of the special undefined value that IBM Cognos TM1 server assigns to your cube, then you can write a small TI snippet to find that out.  See screenshot below:

Catalogue your dimension creation processes in Cognos TM1

Are you at the helm of maintaining a very large TM1 model?  Or did you inherit a TM1 model and want insight into the system?  Say you have a new person on the team and he/she is not sure which process creates what dimension!

Well, the below post will help you make your job little easier, at least when it comes to dimension creation/updation. We are going to leverage the }DimensionAttributes control cube for a neat trick to map dimensions with their create/update processes.  This control cube stores attributes for all the dimensions that appear in your TM1 server.

Let’s see, a large TM1 model includes several dimensions – most of which are created through TI processes.  This is true in many implementations, since metadata for your model is sourced from external systems, which feed into TM1.  At the end of day, your Architect will look like this –

Right click on “Dimensions” -> Choose “Edit Attributes

From “Edit” menu, choose “Add New Attribute

Type “CreatedBy” as attribute name of Type “Text” and click OK.  Your screen should now look like:

You will see the newly created attribute along with others that currently exist on your system.  Click OK.  Go back to Architect

When we created a new attribute “CreatedBy” for the dimensions, IBM Cognos TM1 behind the scenes updates a control cube }DimensionAttributes.  You can choose to display control objects in your Architect and see how the cube looks like.  All that is now left, is to modify your dimension creation process and add a small piece of code in the Epilog.  To illustrate this, I will use a text file as source and create a dimension “A_Sample_Dim”.  Text file has following data in it:
ElemName, ParentName
Direct, Sales
Indirect, Sales
PSO, Sales
Maketing, TOTAL ORG
Engineering, TOTAL ORG
Finance, GA
Administration, GA
Create a new process to use this as source for your Turbo Integrator process and choose appropriate fields as shown below:

Go to Variables tab and in “Contents” choose as “Other” for both the variables.  Below is the code in various tabs

vs_DimName = ‘A_Sample_Dim’;
IF (DimensionExists (vs_DimName) = 0 );
    DimensionDestroy (vs_DimName);
DimensionCreate (vs_DimName);
DimensionElementInsert (vs_DimName, ”, ElemName, ‘N’);
DimensionElementInsert (vs_DimName, ”, ParentName, ‘N’);
DimensionElementComponentAdd (vs_DimName, ParentName, ElemName, 1);
This is the normal dimension creation process that most developers follow.  As mentioned before, we will need to add a small piece of code in the Epilog with following contents in it:

vs_CubeName = ‘}DimensionAttributes’;
vs_TIName = GetProcessName;
CellPutS (vs_TIName, vs_CubeName, vs_DimName, ‘CreatedBy’);

Save and run your code.  You should now see the value in Architect.  This approach has to be adopted for all the dimension creation/updation process.

Closing Thoughts:

  1. Approach to populate the }DimensionAttributes cube to note the processes that build your TM1 model dimensions will go in a long way, for your ongoing support
  2. This approach need not be limited to process creation alone, you could extend this to various attributes that you could think of, on a given dimension.  For ex: owner, updation frequency, source etc.  All you’d need is additional attributes to capture them
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